Hello friends, today I have come up with one of the most requested tricks, i.e. vaccine booking, simply follow the steps below.
For laptop download chrome extension Cowin Booking extension from here https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/cowin-booking/gemdkhkmcnifpfbfnhpbbhageflibppm?hl=en
- For mobile download Kiwi browser from APP store then click on the above link & add the extension to the kiwi browser
- Now go to Cowin.gov.n & you will see Edit auto-fill inputs (in red color) click on it
- Fill in Basic details which Cowin ask later
- Select schedule if more than one person added to cowin page & just wait till the extension book the slots
Note:- Session continues for 15min
hence again we have to re-login & add OTP for continuing the automatic
booking process