12 Facebook Tricks that you must know, Facebook Tricks

12 Facebook Tricks that you must know

Facebook tricks are needed sometimes to use or have  have fun. So today we present to you some 15  Facebook tricks that are really basic and simple tricks.
Some of the below Facebook tricks makes your Facebook experience better than ever.

Facebook Tricks

1] Upload Blank Status
=> Post  @[0:0: ]  and this will give you a blank status.

2] Upload Facebook Status as a link / in blue color
Upload Facebook Status as a link / in blue color=> Copy the below code to your Facebook status and change the text that says ‘Your Message Here’
@[1: ]@@[1:[0:1: Your Message Here]]

Note a trick: The link will redirect to their(clickers) profile. Have fun writing funny status like “this person is foolish”

3] Rarely used emotions

=> Instead of writing straight we can write upside down using various websites like Fliptext.orgWriteupsidedown.net Upsidedowntext.com,Typeupsidedown.comWriteupsidedown.org,
Rarely used emotions

   (^^^)     <(“)      :|]       :putnam:   :42:

4] Write upside-down status
=> Instead of writing straight we can write upside down using various websites like Fliptext.orgWriteupsidedown.net Upsidedowntext.com,Typeupsidedown.comWriteupsidedown.org,

Write upside-down status5] Keep full profile picture thumbnail
=>By default your profile picture displays only a part of it in comments and your profile. You can force it to show the full picture instead of the cropped one.

6] Hide Status from some friends/list
You may want to write something that you don’t want one of your friend or a list of people to see it. So here is the officially available Facebook trick.
Hide Status from some friends/list

Hide Status from some friends/list

You can type in names and lists to hide the status/photo from them. You can also not let the friends of those tagged in your post and photo.

7] Display the latest updates
  By default Facebook shows you the popular updates/posts on your news feed. But you can change it to show the latest ones.
Display the latest updates

8] Create your own emoticons
Create your own emoticons

You can insert your friends username inside ‘Double Big Bracket’. Example: [[Zuck]] . ‘Zuck’ is the username of Mark Zuckerberg, so if you put ‘zuck’ inside double big brackets as [[zuck]] and send it in chat, then the profile picture of Mark will be displayed. You can do the same using your friends username and send.
Note: You can also use Facebook pages username in it. It displays the profile picture of the Facebookpage.

9] See how others see your profile
You may want to see how others see your profile. To do that go to your profile and beside ‘Activity Log’ select the ‘View As…’ and write the friends name.

See how others see your profile

10] Control comment notifications easily
 Even though we like getting notifications, sometimes they make us angry. To stop regretting that you commented on others photo/status, or posted yourself; Facebook has a easy trick.
Control comment notifications easily

Note: You can also do that from your any page through the notifications panel. (Facebook apps request also can be blocked) 

11] Appear online only for your loved ones
Instead of staying offline, a simple trick/idea officially by Facebook  helps you.

Appear online only for your loved ones

Note: Block people who make you angry

12] Hide unwanted peoples update
You may have accepted their request but may not want to see their updates. So for that a simple trick by Facebook solves it all.

Hide unwanted peoples update
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